
Twists and Turns of Love -Ch14

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The Twists and Turns of Love – Chapter 14

July 30th, 2005

Kim walked with an almost skip to her step, as she made her way down the sidewalk. As she approached Ron’s house, not far in the distance, her smile widened. Just one day until her birthday, her first with her and Ron as a couple, and she was eagerly awaiting it. Ron had promised her an amazing time, and considering how well Ron had come through whenever he said that since they had started dating, she knew that he wouldn’t let her down.

She rapped lightly on the door, and Kim was quickly greeted by the beaming smile of Mrs. Stoppable. “Kim, dear, it’s so good to see you. Ronald is upstairs in his room. Want me to call him down?”

Kim just grinned at the older woman. “No thanks, I’ll just go surprise him.”

Kim quickly and quietly climbed the stairs, and had just put her hand on the doorknob before she managed to pick out the sound of Ron talking to someone. To say what she heard was shocking was an understatement.

“Don’t worry Monique, I’ll definitely be over tonight, after I drop Kim off. She doesn’t suspect a thing!”

Kim’s eyes widened, and she carefully placed her ear against the door, all muscles tensing as she heard him continue.

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll just tell her I have to babysit my cousin Shawn… Of course she’ll believe it… Yes, that is the cousin that always terrorizes me… Don’t worry, she’ll believe it… All right, I’ll see you tonight at eight! Now, I have to go, Kim should be here any minute.”

Kim stepped back from the door after she heard the click of the phone. No… there is no way that is what it sounded like… Ron and Monique? My two best friends in the whole world? It… it’s just not possible! There must be some other reason, there has to be, but why would he have to lie to me about it?

Kim’s thoughts were interrupted as she heard his door opening. She quickly moved partway down the stairs, returned the smile to her face, and made to look as if she was just coming up the stairs. When Ron saw her, he actually jumped.

“KP, when did you get here?”

“Just got here, thought I’d surprise you.” Kim kept her tone light, but the emotions churning through her were anything but.

“Coolio! So, you want to hit the mall first?”

“Most definitely.”

Kim kept up the smile as she took Ron’s hand in hers as they made their way down the stairs, but her thoughts continued to churn. I trust Ron, and I trust Monique. There has to be something I’m missing. It has got to be innocent… it just has to be!


Time at the mall seemed to fly by, but even for Kim, three hours was more than enough time on her feet looking at clothes. She could see the tired, listless look on Ron’s face and decided it was time to take a break. With a flourish, the sounds of shoppers overriding any chance she would have had to tell him, she pointed over to the food court. A smile instantly brightened his face, and he quickly led the way through the crowds.

Kim could see the relief on his face as he settled down with their trays, both heavily laden with food, and he paused only long enough to wake the slumbering Rufus in his pocket. When the smell of food reached the little rodent, he perked immediately, and jumped right onto the table, diving right for the medium with double cheese that Ron had secured just for him. Kim smiled as she saw the little guy go through half the pizza in seconds before settling down to a more leisurely pace.

She looked up at Ron, and saw the relieved smile on his face as he bit into his own slice, savoring it as if he hadn’t eaten in days. She frowned a little inside as she remembered his earlier phone call, and decided that, as much as she trusted him, she had to get some answers.

“So, Ron… do you want to do anything tonight?”

Ron swallowed the oversized bite he had taken and grimaced. “Can’t tonight KP. My aunt is visiting a friend in Upperton, and my Mom voluntold me to watch my cousin Shawn while they went out. No way to get out of it.”

Kim couldn’t hide the frown that reached her face, especially knowing that it was just a lie. “Maybe I could come and help you? I know how much trouble he gives you.”

Ron choked a little on the soda he was drinking, and paused for a moment till the coughing subsided. “Umm… no can do. My aunt… um… she doesn’t really know you… I don’t think she’d go for it.”

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt to ask, would it?”

Kim noticed the worried look on Ron’s face. Even Rufus looked a little guilty, looking between the two teens. “I’ll ask her, but I don’t think she’ll agree.”

“All right, no big. I just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend.”

“Don’t worry KP, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow!”

Silence prevailed for the rest of the time they spent together that day, Ron looking especially guilty while Kim couldn’t help how hurt she was feeling.


When Kim got home, she felt restless. She couldn’t stop pacing her bedroom as she thought about what she had heard. We promised… no more lies or secrets. I trust him, I do… why is he lying to me… Monique would never do anything like that… neither would Ron… I’ll just… I’ll just call Monique… just to make sure…

The phone rang a couple of times before she heard Monique pick up. “Hey girl. Thought you’d be out with Ron all night?”

Sure you did. “Ron had to babysit his cousin, so I was wondering if you wanted to do something?”

“Oh, wish I could, but the rents have me doing some cleaning chores around the house. Gonna keep me tied up for at least a couple more hours. Rain check?”

Kim’s spirit fell as she heard something in the background fall, followed quickly by muffled groans that sounded decidedly male. “What was that?”

“Oh… um… my Dad opened the closet and something fell on his foot. I gotta go help him. Later Kim!”

Before Kim could respond, she heard the click as the phone at Monique’s end was turned off. She began pacing again, fears churning to the surface as she kept trying to deny the evidence before her. She eyed the Kimmunicator, debating the pros and cons of what she was contemplating. Finally, giving into temptation, she grabbed the device, signaling Wade.

“Hey Kim, what’s up?”

Wade had that bright smile that always cheered her up. When Wade was smiling, it meant everything else was right. “Hey Wade, I was just wondering if… if you could tell me where Ron is right now?”

Wade’s smile faded. “Is anything wrong?”

“No, I… I just want to know where he is.”

“Ron had me deactivate the chip for tonight. Do you want me to call him and ask where he is?”

Kim’s heart fell yet again when she heard that he had had Wade deactivate the chip. He doesn’t want to be found!

“No, don’t call him. Could you just… reactivate the chip and tell me where he is? It’s important!”

“Sure Kim, just give me a couple of minutes and I’ll get back to you. Have to realign the tracking satellite to pinpoint the signal again.”

“No problem Wade, just let me know when you have it.”

The next couple of minutes seemed to take forever, and Kim resumed her pacing, fists clenched as she hoped and prayed that her fears would not be realized. When Wade finally signaled, she couldn’t hit the button fast enough.

“Hey Kim, sorry I took so long. I thought he would be in Middleton and had to expand the search. I have him at a house in Upperton, off Market Street. Any idea what he would be doing there?”

Kim felt the breath she had been inadvertently holding burst forth, and she sighed. “He said he was going to be watching his cousin tonight. Thanks Wade… and do you think we can keep this between us? I don’t want Ron to know I was checking up on him.”

“No problem Kim.”

Kim fell back on the bed, breathing easier. It can’t be what I thought. Monique was home, and Ron is in Upperton. She sat up as a disturbing thought crossed her mind. So why did he ask Wade to turn off the tracking chip? And the whole phone conversation this morning? And why did it take that long to activate the chip and find Ron? Wade could usually do that stuff in his sleep faster than that? Wade wouldn’t lie to me… would he?

Kim didn’t get much sleep that night, as she tossed and turned all night, disturbing thoughts not giving her a moment’s rest.


Kim awoke the next morning to a bright and sunny morning. Her sleep-addled mind allowed her a moment’s peace before the memories of the previous day filtered through, dampening what had been an excellent start to the day. She rose slowly, giving herself plenty of time to get ready, before making her way downstairs.

“Morning Kimmie. Happy birthday! I made you breakfast.”

Kim smiled at her mother, as she sat down at the table, her mother placing the plate in front of her. Kim picked up the fork before she spoke.

“So, what’s the plan for today? I was hoping Monique and a few friends could come over, but I wasn’t sure what time to invite them over for the party.”

Her mother’s smile faded slightly. “Oh, I thought I had told you honey. Since Nanna’s flight doesn’t get here till tomorrow and your father had to go into the office, we were just going to have your party on Monday night. I hope that’s all right? Besides, isn’t Ron taking you out tonight?”

Kim’s enthusiasm faded as she stared down at her breakfast. “Yeah, I guess that’s all right.”

“Is something wrong?” Andrea quickly moved to sit down near her daughter.

“Yeah, it’s just… when I went to Ron’s yesterday, he was talking with Monique, and they were talking about getting together, and Ron told me he had to babysit, which he told Monique was a lie, but Wade told me he was in Upperton, and I’m not sure what to believe!”

Andrea just smiled lightly at her. “Honey, do you think Ron loves you?”

“I know he does!”

“Then that is all that should matter. Trust him! I’m sure it’s all some big misunderstanding. He probably just had to drop something off with Monique before he went to go babysit.”

“You’re probably right. Thanks Mom.”


Kim spent most of the day updating her website and answering fanmail, but couldn’t force the thoughts from her mind. There are plenty of explanations. I mean, Mom is probably right, I just misheard what Ron had said, and he just had to drop something off.

When Ron picked her up before five that evening, she had managed to put it mostly behind her. She smiled when she saw him in a dress shirt, tie, and jacket, and demurely tied her arm in his. The drive was brief, and Kim just enjoyed the smile that lit Ron’s face, especially when they pulled up to Chez Pierre’s, the place of their first official date. After parking, Ron rushed out of the car to open her door for her, and he took her hand in his to help her out of the car. The pair walked arm and arm into the restaurant, and Kim smiled when Ron, almost eagerly, shook hands with the maitre de.

“Table all ready for us?”


Kim watched as Ron began to frown. “Our table… for two? I called a while ago about it.”

The maitre de frantically began looking through his book, trying in vain to find their name, and then briefly excused himself. Kim’s smile faded as she saw Ron shifting back and forth impatiently, and began to worry about the evening Ron had planned. When Pierre himself came out from the kitchen, her hopes rose, but were quickly dashed by the lack of good news in his expression.

“I’m sorry Ronald, we must have lost your booking, and we don’t have any room for you tonight. I’m very sorry!”

“It… it’s all right Pierre. I understand.”

They exited the restaurant, Ron looking especially sheepish. “I’m sorry about this KP, I thought everything had been arranged, I don’t know what happened. How about we go back to my place, and I can whip us up something. My parents are out right now, so we wouldn’t even be disturbed.”

“Sounds good Ron. And don’t worry, so long as I am with you, I’m good.”

Kim just stared out the window as they made the drive back to Ron’s house. The drive was quiet, and worries began to creep back into her head, no matter how hard she tried to prevent them from taking hold. When they got to the house, Ron again moved to open her door for her, and Ron’s face held the same apologetic look it had since they had left the restaurant. Ron grabbed the front door for her, bowing and waving his arm to indicate for her to go first. Kim almost laughed at the gangly gesture, and stepped through the door.


Kim was instantly startled as over a dozen people jumped out at her. Her mother held a lit cake in her hands as she stood by her father, the twins, and Nanna, smiles beaming. Monique and Felix, with his new girlfriend Katherine, stood in the hallway, all smiles as well. To her left stood Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable, and Mrs. Stoppable quickly moved to embrace the stunned Kim in a hug. Tara, Marcella, Hope, Kim was surprised to see so many of her friends all popping out everywhere. Even Wade, in holographic form, as she quickly discovered. Decorations lined every wall, banners and streamers, all in a variety of colors and designs. Kim was almost speechless.


Ron placed his hands on her shoulders, directing her into the room. “It was all Monique’s idea, she planned the whole thing from top to bottom!”

“So, when you said you had to babysit your cousin…?”

Ron just laughed. “Yeah, sorry about that. Monique needed help getting the decorations ready. Happy birthday Kim!”

Kim hung her head and laughed, as relief seemed to completely flood through her. “I am going to get you for this Ron Stoppable!”

He turned her around, bringing his nose to hers, their lips a bare inch apart. “Oh really?”

Kim just grinned, an almost sinister look on her face. “Yes really! After all, your birthday is next month. I might just have to… cook dinner for you!”

Ron’s eyes widened slightly. “I thought you loved me?”

Kim hit him soundly on the shoulder before leaning forward to give him a kiss. “Thank you Ron!”

“Anything for you KP!”

Basically, it’s Ron and Kim, from prom night on! How they began their relationship, and the love that fostered! Prequel to Bonnie's Curse.

Chapter 15 [link]

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